Sunday, April 12, 2015

01 Clown Lacking a Flower

No more the simple temple life, safe and pure.
No more the wilderness, cruel and true - 

it is time to witness an actual city. A marvel of architecture and stone, with actual gates, and walls, and a palace with towers and gates and walls of its own at one end for the high and mighty. What, one wonders, would happen if the city came under attack and the outer wall would fail? Would everyone be in that upgraded motte, or just the privileged, seeing the lesser folks die, cordoned in the bailey they thought would protect them? 

Not enough supplies for all they'd say.. 
and weep they would, and often prey
and think of how they are pure and good..
when the serf and baker die, run through..

Sad. Hopefully it doesn't happen. We were four at this point, me, Kabyaar, the Green Bard.. Kab to my friends.. and Drai, the noble priest from the temple of flying lizards. There was Coill, the quiet one with a bird, and Rivyre, the wee one on a dog. More friends we might soon see, that was why the adventurers' guild was there, and we'd find meaningful things to do. Me to make songs of them, Drai to save the world and fight all things wicked. Coill, maybe, to find his.. or her? kin.. I don't even know if he's a he or a she. And Rivyre.. I don't know why Rivyre rides with us. But the dog is cute. Sadly, the town folks don't seem to like dogs. We walked to a yard and people steered clear. They seemed frightened of us.. hey, folks! It's JUST A DOG. And a kind one at that. No need to act like that!

And there at the yard we saw someone who made enough noise to be a bard in his own right, though dressed like a jester. But though the outfit was funny, the message was dire for a prince had fallen ill and a cure was needed. A flower.. and we were needed for to become florists. Out very first truly heroic challenge - to retrieve the floral cure from the clutches of Dark Fate, and save the royal scion! A fine, noble act of search and rescue, a matter for song and rhyme, with a young life hanging at balance.

And perhaps, as added bonus, a monetary reward too. That would be nice.

We spoke with the clown, and learned that the details for this deed were to be unveiled at the guild of the brave adventurers. Surely there'd be many others also there to do a deed of selfless good, yet where 99 might not suffice, we, the hundredth to try, could succeed.

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